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YEAR (2017-18)

Department of BAMM , BMS and BCA organized annual inter-departmental event JIGYASA 2020 on the theme of  " Digital Marketing " from 

February 15 ,2018 to February 17,2018


Day - 1

February 15, 2018

JIGYASA the college level event organized by all BCA, BMS and BAMM Department. JIGYASA was successfully lined up for three consecutive days with a aim of enhancig the skills of students and giving them the opportunity to grow!

Ms. Zareen Shaikh


Ms. Zareen Shaikh the Founder of DigiMarketerz LLP was called as the resource person for the day to share his experiences and knowledge with the students of TYBCA on the topic :


" Digital Marketing tools and concepts "


Throught his session the students gain the knowledge about “Digital Marketing” in many social ways also students get to work on different apps such as  CANVA, WIX to be able to create their own designs and websites easily!


  • Some key points of the session were :


1. What is Digital marketing and how to use it in market?
2. What are the benefits of digital marketing over traditional marketing?
3. Basic and important concepts of digital marketing.
4. SEO, SEM, working of GOOGLE Ad wards.

5. Importance of Entrepreneurship.

6. How to be socially updated.



Day - 3

February 17, 2018

On the same day plenary sessions were organised by the department of BCA and the resource person was Mr. Sidharth kak

Mr. Sidharth Kak


Yet another session was held on the same day by the Sem Manager of IPROSPECT who was invited as the speaker for an interactive session for all BCA students on the topic :


" IT Aspects of “Digital Marketing "


Throught his session the students gain the knowledge about “Digital Marketing” in many social ways also students get to work on different apps such as  CANVA, WIX to be able to create their own designs and websites easily!


  • Sir covered many key points such as:


Key Points of the session:
1. Basics of Digital marketing and examples of Digital Marketing Tool/Platforms.
2. Conversions in Digital campaigns, types of conversions:-sales, lead, sign up, view of key page etc.
3. Need for conversion tracking & how is a conversion tracked?
4. Exmples of pixels/tracking codes:-Google Analytics code, Google Tag, Manager Code.
5. GTM Visualisation, TM parameters, Adwords campaign hierarchy.



On the second day of JIGYASA  3 different competitions which were organised by
BCA, BAMM and BMS Departments.


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Competition Name : “IT Quiz”

Total Participation : 34

Judge : Ms. Madhuri Zamvar

On 3rd Day of JIGYASA our BCA Department organised a competition named " IT Quiz " where the students has to participate as a team of two members.  Also a special judge was arranged Ms. Madhuri Zamvar to take the final decision on the matter



In the first round the partcipants were asked 3 questions with minimum time limit of 5 seconds each and the participants had to answer atleast two correct questions to be eligible for the next round.



In this round each team were asked 3 questions one after another in 25  seconds where the allotted time for each question  was 5 seconds. Also, if the team cannot answer the question, they can say “pass” for the next question and that question will not be forwarded to the next team.



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